In one of my previous posts, I wrote about watching the movie, My Big Fat Greek Wedding, and how there were certain aspects of it that reminded me of my own, Italian family. I have to say, I do not find my family to be tacky or showy like the Greek family from the movie, but what I mean is that I have always noticed some number of parallels between the two cultures. In the body language book I am reading (and trying so hard to find time to finish) there is a little section on Italians that made me laugh, and really explained some things for me (haha). In one part of the chapter, the authors say how, while in Italy, when talking to Italians, they seemed to invade their space, continuously touching them, talking over them, and almost yelling and sounding angry. "But these things are a normal part of everyday friendly Italian communication.... Not all things in all cultures mean the same things". They go on to mention that what seems like an affectionate arm-touching during an italian conversation is simply an Italian persons way of stopping the listener from taking the floor...because they want to be the one talking. They compare French and Italians and how French, use their forearms and hands, but Italians use their entire arms and body and describe talking with both, a daunting task. Of course, everything the authors are writing is from an Aussies point of view, but all the same, I feel it can be appreciated. My family members and I sometimes talk about how we think we all have issues and anger/tempers and how our family gatherings can sometimes cause anxiety... but maybe we are just true Italians?
forearms- (n) Part of a humans arm in between the elbow and wrist
anxiety- (n) Distress or uneasiness
affectionate- (adj) Showing or love or fondness
compare- (v) To examine two or more things for similarities and differences
section- (n) A distinct part of/ subdivision of something
previous- (adj) Occurring before something else
appreciate- (v) To be thankful for
1. When you bump the volleyball, make sure it hits on your _____________.
2. I love that both of my dogs are __________, giving kisses all the time.
3. Test taking causes me a lot of ________________.
4. I hate when my mom __________ me to my brother.
5. My favorite part of the magazine is the __________on hair styles.
6. The weather was so much better than it had been the _________________ day.
7. My aunt is always there when I need her and I really ____________ it.
I used a conjunction when I wrote, "of course, everything the authors are writing is from an Aussies point of view, but all the same, I feel it can be appreciated.", the conjunction is but. Please add a conjunction and comma to the following sentences, in the correct places.
1. I did not try the pizza at the resturaunt the pasta was very good.
2. The party is so much fun we ate danced sang all night.
3. Every year for my birthday my mom makes me cupcakes an icecream cake too.
4. the ballerina daced twirled all over the stage like a fairy.
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